Hey everyone, it’s Jessica here chatting about the never-ending balancing act of working from home while raising kids. Let me tell you, it’s a juggling routine that would put any circus performer to shame!
When it comes to managing my time effectively between work and family, I’ve learned that rigidly structured time blocking just doesn’t cut it. With a 14 and 10 year old, unexpected interruptions are the norm. Instead, I keep a running to-do list of tasks I want to tackle while the kids are at school. Some days I’m in the zone and knocking things out left and right. Other times my brain is like a browser with too many tabs open and I’m struggling to focus. The beauty is I can always come back to that list later if needed.
For Sam, having her 1 year old son Beau at home adds a whole other layer to the work-from-home dance. Flexibility is the name of the game. Some days he’s content to play independently and she’s firing off emails with lightning speed. Other days he’s attached to her hip and not much is getting done. In those moments, it’s crucial to embrace the unpredictability and resist the urge to force productivity.
I think all working moms battle with guilt on some level, whether you work outside the home or not. Since taking over the business, I definitely feel it from my kids who notice how much I’m working now. But I try to reframe it as an opportunity for them to watch me grow this company and understand the world of entrepreneurship. It’s a perspective they wouldn’t get if I worked a traditional 9 to 5.
That’s not to say there aren’t major pros to working from home too! The flexibility to adjust your schedule based on your family’s needs is huge. If Beau had a rough night, Sam can sneak in some extra sleep. No commute means more time with your little ones. And hey, athleisure wear is the new business casual!
To ensure we’re getting quality family time, dinner time is sacred in both our homes. Once Sam’s husband Brett is back from work and I’m done with school pickup, we put away the screens and focus on connecting with our kids and partners. Weekends have also become a work-free zone to avoid burnout. Constantly striving to get ahead is a losing battle – there will always be more to do. Protecting that time to disconnect makes us better moms and business owners in the long run.
The biggest lesson? Let go of the guilt around taking breaks and having firm work boundaries! It’s not always easy, but it’s absolutely essential. Your family deserves your full presence and no job is worth sacrificing that, even if it’s your own business.
At the end of the day, navigating career and motherhood is a constant work in progress. But if you lead with flexibility, grace for yourself, and an “embrace the chaos” attitude, you’ll find the right rhythm for your family. And remember, you’re not alone in this wild journey!
Signing off to go build LEGO towers for the 10th time today,