Hey everyone, it’s Jessica here diving into a sensitive but important topic with my sister Sam – sex and some of the not-so-fun issues that can come along with it, especially for us women. While it may feel a bit uncomfortable to discuss, these are real challenges that deserve more open conversation.
I’ll start with my own experience. In my younger years, sex drive was never an issue for me. But being on antidepressants for over 25 years slowly diminished that spark. It’s not that I don’t enjoy sex once it gets going, but that initial motivation to initiate intimacy just isn’t there like it used to be. As you can imagine, this has put some strain on my relationship at times. It’s crucial that your partner understands it’s not a lack of attraction, but rather your body not sending those signals due to medication.
Sam has navigated her own set of bedroom obstacles, particularly after having her son Beau. Despite being cleared for sex at 6 weeks postpartum, she simply wasn’t ready physically or emotionally. When she and her husband Brett finally did try, it was quite painful for her. Turns out, breastfeeding can cause vaginal dryness and tenderness that makes intercourse very uncomfortable, sometimes for a year or more! This was news to us and a good reminder to always communicate concerns with your doctor.
Adjusting to parenthood also took a toll on their intimate life. As a first-time mom, Sam was understandably focused on figuring out how to care for a newborn. But as many couples experience, this left Brett feeling a bit neglected. Learning to balance everyone’s needs is an ongoing process.
Then there are moments when the timing is just comically bad, like when a stuffed up, sniffly Sam was just trying to blow her nose in peace and Brett took it as an invitation to get frisky. Let’s just say his advances were promptly shut down!

At the end of the day, fluctuations in sex drive are normal and can happen for so many reasons – hormonal changes, medications, stress, etc. And having a lower libido doesn’t mean anything is “wrong” with you. The key is being honest with yourself and your partner so you can work through it together. Embrace who you are and know that you’re definitely not alone in facing these very common challenges!
Well, we covered quite a bit of ground in this episode, from postpartum issues to the audacity of pink pills. But hopefully sharing some of our own vulnerable experiences helps spark more conversation about sexual wellbeing. Remember, if something doesn’t feel right, never hesitate to talk to your doctor. And in the meantime, keep embracing all the unique parts of you!
Until next time,