#13 & 14 | Teaching: When to Start & Why

Hey there! It’s Sam back again, this time diving into the wild world of early childhood education with my sister Jessica. As a former pre-K teacher turned mom, I’ve got a lot of thoughts on when and how to introduce little ones to more structured learning. Buckle up, this could get controversial!

Before I had my son, Beau, I was all about getting kids into programs early. Three-year-old preschool a few days a week? Sign ’em up! But now that I’m in the thick of motherhood, I’m leaning more towards keeping him home with me as long as possible. It’s not that I don’t see the value in early education, I just want to soak up this fleeting time together. Plus, as a teacher, I feel confident in my ability to engage him at home and through community activities.

That being said, Beau will definitely be enrolled in preschool by age 4 to help prepare him for the classroom environment. And because his birthday falls at the end of October, we’re already planning on the Young Fives program rather than traditional kindergarten to give him an extra year of development. Looking back, Jess and I both agreed we started school too young ourselves and felt the effects all the way through college, graduating at just 17!

One major consideration with Beau is his fall birthday. My baby girl on the way is due in August, so if we start her on a typical trajectory, she and Beau would only be one grade apart. Could be fun…or financially terrifying when it comes time for college! These are the things that keep me up at night, I tell ya.

Of course, so much of this decision depends on each individual kiddo and family. Jess held her daughter Taylor back mid-elementary and said it was hands-down the right call. She’s now thriving academically and socially with peers at her maturity level. Funny how as parents we stress about these choices, but our kids are often way more resilient than we give them credit for!

Another factor to consider is the insane pressure put on kids (and teachers!) these days. I’m talking sight words, addition, subtraction – all stuff that was definitely not part of the kindergarten curriculum back in our day. Heck, we were pumped to master our ABCs! The expectations have risen so much and it’s on us as parents to advocate for our children and keep open communication with their teachers. Easier said than done, I know.

For any non-parents out there, I hope this peek behind the curtain gives you a smidge more empathy for the moms and dads in your life. Choosing the right educational path is no small thing! And to my fellow parents in the trenches, know that you’re not alone in feeling overwhelmed. We’re all just trying our best to prepare these tiny humans for the big wide world.

If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that a happy, supported kid is way more important than hitting some arbitrary academic milestone. So whether you opt for preschool, Young Fives, homeschool, or some other route entirely, trust your gut. Oh, and give yourself grace – parenting is basically one long exercise in winging it.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to sing the alphabet song for the 10th time today. Next week we’ll cover shapes and colors – riveting stuff! Until then, keep on rocking this whole raising kids thing. You’ve got this!

Considering a career change to professional finger painter,

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