2017 Plans – My Top 5 Goals

First off I have to say, I hate new years resolution! I feel like labeling a goal as a “resolution” sets you up to fail. So instead, I just continue with goals for the day, week, month, year as usual;)

2017 has plans to be a great year!

My biggest goal is to remain committed to being an overall happier and more positive person. I suppose this sounds silly but I have noticed my stress and negativeness has affected my family both hubby and kiddos.

I’m also working had on being more consistent on my blog posts though this has been an ongoing goal since my launch:) I find myself struggling to fit everything into a day and unfortunately Follow My Arrow suffers the most.

To go along with my previous goal, I am trying to work on a time block type schedule for every aspect of my life (blog to family and everything in between:). My hope is that it will force or at the minimum, help me accomplish more and efficiently, though I am wondering if this is just wishful thinking!

I’ve decided to put a freeze on my training and education budget. After beginning to get all of my tax documents and receipts together, I realized what a knowledge junky I am. Now, I’m definitely not categorizing this as a negative but holy cow did I go big! The main problem I have with this is that I failed to finish any of them. So, my goal is to start one by one and complete them before even thinking about purchasing any more.

Lastly, and I kind of think it’s a cliche but here goes, healthier eating and living. It does go along with my very first goal of being a happier person but this is specific to my eating habits and lifestyle. I’m very intrigued by clean eating, though I’m not sure I could make the transition completely, and hopefully that I can find a physical activity that will keep my attention and enjoyable to me.

How do you feel about goals and resolutions? Do you make one or more each year? Do you follow through with them? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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