Hey everyone, it’s Jessica here! In our latest podcast episode, my sister and I got to talking about New Year’s resolutions and, I gotta say, we’re just not really feeling them anymore. I mean, don’t get me wrong, setting goals and working to improve yourself is great. But those typical cliche resolutions like “I’m going to lose weight and get in shape this year”? They almost feel designed to fail!
I think the problem is resolutions often lack real accountability. You declare them, maybe stick with it for a month or two, but then life gets busy and you fall off the wagon with no real consequence. So you figure “oh well, there’s always next year!” It becomes this cycle of unrealized resolutions year after year.
That’s why I prefer setting concrete goals for myself instead. And they don’t have to revolve around the New Year. Whenever I’m feeling motivated, I sit down and think about what I want to achieve, whether it’s something personal, professional, financial, etc. Then I make a real plan to work towards it.
For my family, a big goal is to be more present with each other and limit screen time. It’s so easy to get sucked into your phone these days! We want to be more intentional about spending quality time together without distractions. I know it’ll take work, but that’s the key – you have to be truly personally motivated.
Another thing we discussed was how to keep your family engaged with goals. Making it a fun activity you do together is key, especially with kids. Have everyone share their goals, write them down or draw pictures, and display them somewhere as a reminder. Checking in regularly and celebrating small milestones along the way with rewards helps a ton too.
As for me, one of my big goals is to practice being content. It’s easy to get caught up wanting the next big thing, like a new house, and forget to appreciate how fortunate we are in the present. Striving for more is great, but finding peace in the journey is so important too.
So that’s my take on the whole “New Year’s resolution” thing. I’m much more about setting meaningful goals at any time of the year that you can actually work towards and achieve. But hey, to each their own! If big declarations every January 1st motivate you, you do you. I’d love to hear what goals you’re working towards, so share away in the comments!
Thanks for reading and be sure to check out the latest podcast episode for the full convo! Talk to you all again soon!