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The end is near…

This is the last week of your Whole30 journey. The end is so close you can almost taste that glass of victory wine. Now, it’s ok to get excited about being so close to the end, you deserve it. Just don’t let that feeling overcome you to the point that you think you have done enough. You haven’t! You still have 7 more days left.
Day 28: I’ve done enough…
News flash…YOU HAVEN’T! It’s your friends birthday. You go out to celebrate. They say, “You only have 2 more days left. You can have a piece of cake you deserve it!” For a second you think they are right, you have done enough, there are only two days left what difference does it make. Stay strong and resist the urge to cheat. Those last two days will make a difference. You have worked so hard to stay compliant for 28 days. Keep going for two more! I promise on day 31 when you wake up you will not regret missing out on that.
Day 29-30:
These last two days you wake up and nothing can stand in your way. You are staying compliant and finishing this journey out strong if it’s the last thing you do. Donuts at walk right past them. Celebratory drinks with friends…I’ll stick with the kombucha. You are so close to the end and you are going to finish this strong and proud!
Day 31: Say hello to your old friend…the scale

Today is the day! You wake up and take your progress pics and step on that scale! This is when you can see how much progress you have made over the last 30 days! Everyone’s victories will be different. You may see victories through your progress pics. Being able to compare how your body looked and felt 31 days ago to now. Your clothes fit different, you’re less bloated and inflamed and just feel healthy! Stepping on the scale, your heart may be racing with excitement to see how many pounds you lost. This is an exciting moment and you should be proud of all that you have accomplished! Whether it is 5 lbs, 10 lbs or 15 lbs be proud of how far you’ve come in your nutrition.
Now that the Whole30 journey is coming to an end you may have a moment of terror when you think about what you are going to eat now that you are finished. You have been following these rules obediently for 30 days and sometimes it can be scary to go off on your own. Don’t be scared! You are prepared for this.
You’ve had 30 days to learn new healthy eating habits and have found new recipes and products that you love and will want to continue to eat. The Whole30 was a 30 day reset for your body and mind. Now it’s your job to keep going with all this knowledge. Thrive Market is a great way to always have the items you need on hand. Get 25% OFF your first order and a FREE gift when you join Thrive Market here! Slowly reintroduce dairy, grains, legumes, and alcohol into your diet. See how your body reacts and how you feel. To start, reward yourself with a glass of wine, beer, whatever! You deserve it and for right now soak up every ounce of victory!
I will talk more about the reintroduction of foods on Day 31!
Let’s Talk!!
What was your biggest accomplishment throughout your Whole30 journey?
What was your biggest struggle?
Do you have any questions moving forward?